When I came in tonight to check on you before I went to bed, I lingered a little longer than I am wont to do, loving the painted whiskers on your cheeks from Dr. Suess Day, your hair still slightly curly from the pink sponge rollers you begged me to put in your hair last night. My little girl, still so little, yet growing up too.
You still love your friends and live for play dates, often canvassing the neighborhood in search of someone to play with. You still love to dance. You still love meat. You still have that infectious laugh. You are still my great helper and great listener. You are still the first to offer praise for a job well done. But there have been changes too. You are a super scholar and read like a champ. You are often fighting with Henry now, which I guess is to be expected. You love your baby brother fiercely (for now) and he saves his biggest sibling smiles for you. And whenever I tuck you in at night, after our hug, when I start to pull away, you hold on tighter and I hug you again because I know you won't always hold on tighter.
Happy Birthday. I love you, Lily.
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