Whenever Phil is out of town my children magically become the worst sleepers on the planet and the years of successful sleep training we pushed them through seemingly never happened. He's only going to be out of town for two days though, which is lucky, because I'm afraid much more sleep deprivation and I might have to be hospitalized.
Last night (night two) I went to bed at a record-breaking 8:30 pm for two reasons:
1. I was so tired from the night before.
2. I was thinking if that night was anything like the first night, I would need the extra sleep.
The early bedtime was a good move on my part because night two was even worse than night one, if that was possible. Here's a rundown:
12:00 am-Will needs to eat.
12:15 am-Lily has a nightmare.
12:30 am-Henry is croupy and needs a drink.
12:45 am-Oscar has a leg cramp.
1:00 am-Oscar thinks sleeping with me will help him feel better. I give him medicine for good measure. Oscar kicks. A lot.
1:30 am-Lily has a leg cramp. I might have dreamed this, or it might have happened.
2:00 am-Henry needs to be tucked in again.
3:00 am-Henry needs to be tucked in again. I get mad at him, so he starts to cry. I carry Oscar back to his bed. Put Henry in my bed. Henry coughs every few minutes.
6:00 am-Will needs to eat.
7:50 am-I get out of bed to get everyone ready for school.
Phil, if you're reading this, I realize it was not your choice to go on this business trip, but I don't care. I still think you owe me big time. BIG TIME. And bring me orange juice. I might be coming down with something.
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