Friday, September 09, 2011

Lunch Break

Yesterday Lily said to me, "Lilly (of course her new friend at school would have to be named Lilly) doesn't get home lunch, she gets school lunch (insert reverent tones here)."

Back when Oscar was in first grade, we allowed him to get school lunch once a week as a treat. But when we started our whole gluten free journey, we had to put an end to that. Around that time, I started watching Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution and was sort of horrified at what I saw. I didn't feel that bad about not giving Oscar school lunch anymore.

So when Lily told me about her friend getting school lunch I said, "Oh but Lily, aren't you lucky to get a homemade lunch?"

She replied, "Not that lucky."

This morning she reminisced, "Remember when I was in kindergarten and we had school lunch one day and it was pizza? That was so good."

Well, today is my birthday and I thought, "Don't we all deserve a break? A break from making homemade lunch, and a break from eating it?" I'm trying to have balance in my life, and once in a while give myself a break. So we did. And we'll all be just fine.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...


Good for you, on all accounts.